Related article: make, not forgetting the truth of
the old saying, Oh that my emeny
some day may write a book !
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The Sportsman's Library.
Mb. MiLLAis' new book,* in size,
form and general get-up, is similar
to his previous works, " A Breath
from the Ve!dt" and "British Deer
and their Horns," and in merit
and interest well deserves a place
beside them. He gives us here
the cream of his exoerience as a
wild fowler on the East Coast of
Scotland with shoulder and punt
gun; and as he began his career
when eleven years old, with an
independence almost precocious,
hundred proofs of the photographic
accuracy with which he notes the
passing attitudes and postures of
birds in every variety of circum-
stance. It would be hard to say
whether he is keener as a sports-
man or naturalist, for he is equally
persevering in his endeavours Noroxin Tablets to
make a bag or to collect a speci-
men. Having devoted his atten-
tion for many years past to the task
of obtaining series of specimens to
show the plumage of each bird
and his enthusiasm has grown
with years, he is entitled to rank
as an authority on the subject. In
one respect he stands quite alone
among naturalist-sportsmen; and
that is in the accomplishment
which he inherits from his gifted
father. No artist of the day can
equal Mr. Millais in the extra-
ordinary skill wherewith he puts
his birds, alive, dying, or dead
upon paper. The beautiful plates
which adorn this book afford a
- "Tbe WildfAwler in Smtland.-' Bv John
GuSlle Millaii: with Co llliutntiDiu, sod rnniit.
(HeabythelateSic John Millnii, P.R.A. (Long-
in its various stages of age and
, seasonal change, he has come to
the conclusion that it takes about
fifteen years to complele such a
collection: his own probably lacks
little by this time, but he is none
the less keen whether on the mud-
flats or in the punt.
Mr. Millais, we are glad to see,
voices the opinion we have long
cherished : to wit; that " to the
young ^hooter there is absolutely,
DO training in the world to com-
pare with shore shooting for two
seasons." The splash of the shot
in the water tells him exactly how
he held his gun: whether behind
or before, above or below his
mark; and with tliis silent mentor
to point out mistakes, he cannot
fail to learn how to judge distance
and pace. We are accustomed to
hearing the assertion that the$e
islands of ours are shot out for all
but those who can afford to pay
high shooting rents. Mr. Millais
demonstrates the magnitude of
this error; there are many places
along the coast of Scotland where
capital rough sport may still be
had by those who care to seek
Jthem out and work for their bag;
the author mentions a few of the
preserved areas; but is wisely
reticent about the free and open
grounds. The book is most plea-
santly written and appeals to
many interests: there is adventure
in it and sport, and there, are
many passages which again betray
that talent for observation that
goes so far to make his pictures
what they are.
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appears in every way to be a more
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The respective Buy Noroxin Online value of the suits
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ness of making trumps is difficult,
for although the dealer has the
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shall be played he can be over-
called by any other player who
desires to make the game higher,
the chance of raising the game
going round, as at Poker, until